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Study on occupational injuries visited and admitted to two hospitals during 2006–2010
  1. MA Luong,
  2. TQT Khieu,
  3. TNL Tran
  1. Health Environment Management Agency, Ministry of Health of Vietnam


    Background Annually, there are approximately 350 000 deaths and another 270 million disabilities related occupational injury around the world. In Viet Nam, the mortality ratio of occupational injury (OI) was 34.1/1000 population.

    Objective and Method To describe the situation of OI visited and admitted to two hositals during 2006–2010 and to recommend some interventions to control deaths, disabilities and sequel related occupational injuries using descriptive cross sectional method.

    Results OI occurred in male with 63.1%. The average age of patients was 33.06. Age group 20–30 were greatlty experienced to OI with 41.52%. Workers were major workforce involved with OI with 53.37%. Most of the patients had occupational age under 3 years (36.8%). Injured limbs in the upper area were predominant with 65.42%. Major injuries were fracture and dislocation of joint, skin and flesh wound with 65.83%, 53.19%, respectively. The percentage of burn was 33.15%. Only 4.46% of patients was handled by the medical staff. The 04 leading tools related injuries were machine, falling objects, manual objects and electricity with 47.58%, 15.86%, 4.83% and 3.32%, respectively. Disadvantagages of working environment were noise, vibration with 55.24% and 55.07%, respectively.

    Significance Recommendations include improving working condition to reduce hazards, enhancing first aid capacity for injuries at workplace and community, setting compensation fund for injured employees and implementing sentinnel surveillance system on OI in some key industrial zones.

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