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The interactive effect of fear and humour appeals, gender & the level of involvement on attitude toward safe driving
  1. Z Kabiri,
  2. M Hakimara
  1. IRIB University, Tehran, Iran


    Aims Road trauma is recognised as a serious problem both in Iran and internationally. Produce and exposure of persuasive advertisings is an important strategy that persuade attitude including Unitarian attitude, value expressive attitude and general attitude. One of these strategies is applying emotional appeal in health advertising.

    Background Evidence has shown that fear-based and humour based advertising messages have been different effect depend on some factor like gender.

    Methods This Research asses the role of emotional appeal as a significant factor in health related message. Safe driving in this article includes seat-belt and speeding behaviours. Iranian Participants (N=126) viewed anti-speeding and using seat belt TV advertisements and completed two questionnaires: the first assessed pre-exposure attitudes and involvement and immediate-post exposure attitudes; the second, 3–4 weeks later, assessed attitudes again in follow up measuring (n=51).

    Results and Significant Results show that fear appeal was more effective than humour appeal on general attitude and utilitarian attitude. But results show that against recent evidence in relation to gender significant effects didn't find in relation to appeals and gender. The results suggested that emotional appeals had limit effectiveness on value-expressive attitudes; moreover the results revealed a significant effect of humour appeals for individuals of lower reported involvement.

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