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Book review
Take control of iPad basics (version 1.2)
  1. Barry Pless
  1. Correspondence to Dr Barry Pless, McGill University, 434 Lansdowne, Westmount H3Y2V2, Canada; barry.pless{at}

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Edited by Tonya Engst. Take Control Ebooks (Tidbits Publishing Inc, California, USA), 137 pages, Updated 15-Dec-10, 1.7 MB download, ISBN: 9781615420513, $10

There are three ways to learn how to use a new gadget: trial and error, the user's manual, or read something written by a third party. I usually follow the first approach but often regret it. (When I worked with Mike Hayes, if a computer misbehaved he often said ‘time to consult the book of rules’ and we then wondered why we didn't do so sooner.) But the …

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