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A historical perspective on sobriety checkpoints in Thailand: is there evidence for effectiveness?
  1. V Ditsuwan*,
  2. L Veerman,
  3. M Bertram,
  4. T Vos
  1. Correspondence Faculty of Health and Sport Science, Thaksin University, Thailand, Phatthalung Province, Thailand


This review describes the legal basis for, and implementation of sobriety checkpoints in Thailand and identifies factors that influenced their effectiveness. The first alcohol and traffic injury control law in Thailand was implemented in 1934. The 0.05g/100 ml blood alcohol concentration limit was set in 1994. Currently three types of sobriety checkpoints are used: general police checkpoints, selective breath testing, and special event sobriety checkpoints. We found few reports on the strategies, frequencies, and outcomes for any these type of checkpoint, despite Thailand having devoted many resources to implementation. In Thailand or other low-middle income countries, it is necessary to address the country-specific barriers to successful enforcement (including political and logistical issues, lack of equipment and absence of other supportive alcohol harm reduction measures) before sobriety checkpoints can be expected to be as effective as reported in high-income countries.

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