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Compare the main characteristics related with pedestrian fatality in Mexico City during the periods 1994–1997 and 2004–2007
  1. J M Rodriguez-Hernndez*,
  2. M Hijar-Medina,
  3. J C Campuzano-Rincn,
  4. E Hidalgo-Solorzano
  1. Correspondence Instituto Nacional de Salud Pblica de Mxico, Avenida Universidad No. 655 CP 62100, Mexico


Objective Compare the main characteristics related with pedestrian death in Mexico City (MC) during the periods 1994–1997 and 2004–2007.

Materials and Methods We conducted a comparative observational study of trends in the records of pedestrian death in MC between the two periods; it was compared by sex, age, provenance, education and delegation of death; it were obtained Standardised Mortality Ratio and Reasons Mortality Internal versus External according to the delegation of death. We implemented a logistic regression analysis to characterise the probability of pedestrian death by sex.

Results For 2004–2007 there was a 20% reduction in pedestrian death about 1994–1997. The mortality declined about 2.9/100 000. 95% CI 2.6 to 3.4/100 000; in men of 15.9 to 11.5/100 000 and in women of 5.5 to 4.3/100 000. Delegations with the highest risk of death during the two periods were Miguel Hidalgo, Gustavo Madero, Venustiano Carranza and Benito Juarez. Mortality risk was higher in men (for the first period, from the CM, born before 1955 and with low educational level, more marked in those without schooling) about women.

Conclusions The methodology used in this article contributes valuable elements for the analysis of pedestrian death. The variables related to the risk of death by pedestrian injuries allow us to identify a group of pedestrians who inside these users' category of the thoroughfare end up by being the most vulnerable and who have been traditionally left of side in the definition of policies of urban development sustainable and assurance in countries as Mexico.

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