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Motorcycle injuries in a developing country and the vulnerability of riders, passengers, and pedestrians
  1. B A Solagberu,
  2. C K P Ofoegbu,
  3. A A Nasir,
  4. O K Ogundipe,
  5. A O Adekanye,
  6. L O Abdur-Rahman
  1. Department of Surgery, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr B A Solagberu
 Department of Surgery, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, PO Box 4377, Ilorin 240001, Nigeria; basolagberu{at}


At a Nigerian university hospital, none of the motorcyclists who presented over a 12 month period had been wearing a helmet, and of the eight patients who died, seven had head injuries. Of the five collision types described, the rate of motorcycle-other vehicle collisions was highest at 40.6%, while the motorcycle-pedestrian rate was 23.4%. Measures to prevent these collisions might reduce overall crashes by 64%; in addition, helmet law should be enforced.

  • ISS, injury severity score
  • MCI, motorcycle injury
  • RTI, road traffic injury
  • RTS, revised trauma score
  • TRISS, probability of survival
  • UITH, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital
  • motorcycle
  • Nigeria

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